The Fort Augusta Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization founded in 1890 by a small group of patriotic women. The goals of our chapter are to promote patriotism in our community and beyond, preserve our common history and to educate our children about American history.
What We Do
Our members volunteer many hours each year to support our veterans. We have participated in sending care packages to active duty military, sent cards to Vietnam veterans thanking them for their service, marched in Veterans Day and Sunbury 250 parades, placed flags on veterans' graves and supported the Wreaths for Warriors project.
Historic Preservation
Fort Augusta Chapter, NSDAR, members participate in projects to preserve our local history by participating in highway clean-ups, cleaning grave markers, placing DAR markers and plaques at local cemeteries, and planting memorial trees.
To support education, we raise funds for the Chemawa Indian School, celebrate Constitution Week by hosting a luncheon for local DAR chapters, place displays in local libraries and support members in enhancing their leadership skills by taking courses offered by NSDAR.

Are you interested in membership in the Fort Augusta Chapter, NSDAR? Please contact our Regent.
Photos courtesy of chapter members.
Last updated: October 27, 2024